Joy in the Unknown


For those of you who don’t know, in just two short months I will be marrying the love of my life. The changes, the growth, the support - it has been tremendously positive and overwhelming! As my faith and family continues to grow (I’m an Uncle of four wonderful kiddos!), decisions are hard and many questions remain unanswered. “Where will we work?” “Where will we live?” “When can we get a dog?”

So many of us want to feel peace during amidst seasons of change, but I want you to keep this quote in mind.

“If you want to make God laugh, make plans.”

Sometimes the best way to be prepared is to be just be open. Greet every experience and opportunity without expectation; without judgement. It’s okay to feel unprepared - join the club! Don’t even settle for peace in the unknown, let’s seek JOY in the unknown, together.

Much Love <3


Jeremy Flickjoy, uknown, plans